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UKSMG Chat room help page

Chat Area

Displays the chat dialog currently in progress. NOTE: If your browser does not support JavaScript then you may need to use the commands below, rather than the fields on the web page.
/action message Sends an action (red) message.
/away message The system will automatically send this message to anyone trying to message you.   It is often used to tell people that you are away from your computer.  If you no longer wish to be seen as away, then simply type /away with no message and the away message will no longer be displayed. e.g. /away I am away from my computer
/motd Display the current "Message of the Day" for the server
/msg nickname

This command will allow you to send a private message to a specific user or send a message to an entire channel.  Example: /msg G3WOS How are you?

/newjoin #room To open a new temporary room for discussion #room - room name
/nick newname Change your nickname
/quit Leave the chat and disconnect from the server
/whois nickname Displays information about a nickname including the host that they are logged in from, the server they are logged into, the channels they are on and the number of seconds that have passed since they last communicated with the server. Displays information about a nickname including the host that they are logged in from, the server they are logged into, the channels they are on and the number of seconds that have passed since they last communicated with the server.

Further Information

For complete information on ConferenceRoom, please visit WebMaster Inc..

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