A view towards Stanley - what a fantastic place!

Thursday, 13th April

Today was a busy day with work related activities and tonight, the event of the week, is my hotel having a Chinese food evening. It's been a real interesting day with another strong opening to southern Europe starting with an HB9 at 13:42 and going though to a DK at 19:45. New countries added were F, SV9, DK and HB. I had about 70 QSOs in all.

At 21:50 GMT I managed to connect with W7RV in DM43 and was hearing N6CA at 529 for 20 minutes. The problem was he couldn't hear me! Oh well, how I miss my amplifier! So all in all its not been a bad day and I'm now running a breaking beacon until 19:00 local when I'll go QRT for the ten-course Chinese meal at the Malvina House Hotel.

The town of StanleyThe town of Stanley

It could only happen in the Falklands, sharing the Chinese dinner table with an Argentinean photographer, talking about 'the war' and having a 20-minute power failure plunging the town into blackness (the Stanley power station is just up the road near the fire station!). Who says travelling is boring! I am beginning to enjoy this trip.

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